We believe it is our professional and ethical responsibility to minimize the impact of our productions on the world we live in: socially, economically, and environmentally. Every project we work on should incorporate some level of sustainability to it, not withstanding specific stated goals voiced by our clients. The Seefood Team uses an approach that emphasizes film and video productions role in promoting sustainability and energy efficiency. To maximize the positive impact our team begin planning in the required elements when the scope for the project is first being developed. Many of the best and most beneficial strategies add little or no cost to the project. As well as identifying possible strategies for energy efficiency, we can set goals for the project to meet and grow your CSR and sustainability goals.



Why sustainable film?

Aside from the moral imperative, sustainability influences all the levers that organizations use to create value: from helping recruit and retain staff to brand-building.

There’s also money to be saved from better resource and energy use. Exemplary sustainability performance leads to recognition from peers, audiences, investors, stakeholders and NGOs. It reduces reputational risk and enhances competitiveness. It helps organizations get on top of existing regulatory requirements and ahead of future legislation.

There is also a clear correlation between sustainability performance and profitability. The well-respected Morgan Stanley Capital World Index showed that companies that improved their sustainability performance between 2006 and 2008 financially out-performed their peers in 2008/9 by more than 11 per cent.

BS 8909 Standard?

We work to BS 8909 standard. BS 8909, a specification for a sustainability management system for film, has been designed to help the film industry run its business in a more sustainable way.

This standard enables us to achieve 360 degree sustainability though development, distribution, exhibition and production.


How does BS 8909 work?

The standard works by asking organizations to state what they want to achieve within their organization in terms of sustainability and to describe what they will do to achieve their aims.

Organizations then implement their plans and review actual activity and outcomes against their initial objectives, which must take social, economic and environmental issues into account.

Accurate records are kept throughout so that results can be reviewed and improved on in the future.

Historically this Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle has proved an effective way of ‘holding’ organizations to their stated course. It has produced significant results for hundreds of thousands of organizations using other management systems standards such as ISO 9001 for quality management, and ISO 14001 for environmental management.




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